Friday, December 5, 2014

Telephone Scam-Fraud Alert- Credit Card & Debit Card

The Eden Police Department has received calls from the public concerning an automated phone call they received concerning their debit and credit card.  Some members of the Eden Police Department have also received the automated call as well. 
The unsuspecting victim receives a call from an unknown caller.  A computer generated voice states that your debit card or credit card has been deactivated.  The voice then ask you to press the #2 to discontinue the call or #1 to reactivate your card.  As you can see, order of commands is out of sequence.  If you push #1, the voice then tells you to enter your 16 digit debit or credit card number.  If you enter the debit or credit card number, they now have your credit card number.  It will then ask you for the three digit code on the back of your card for verification purposes.  Once you enter the three digit code, they have all the information they need to make purchase using your debit or credit card number. 
The recent calls in the Eden area are related to Bank of America and state that "your Bank of America debit card has been deactivated."
This type of scam is not new.  According to, these types of phone calls concerning Bank of America started in 2011.  Please be aware that this particular scam involves the recording saying the Bank of America name, but as with any recording, this could change to identify any other financial institution.   
The best course of action related to this telephone scam is to hang up and deal directly with your financial institution.  
Thanks have a Merry Christmas,
Lieutenant Clint Simspson

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