Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Extremely Cold- Lets be Good Neighbors

Due to the extreme and potentially record setting cold temperature’s the Eden Police Department is requesting citizens to check on their neighbors, especially elderly neighbors, over the next several days. Weather forecasters are forecasting highs in the teens and wind chill values in the single digits thru Saturday, February 21, 2015. Help us ensure that our neighbors are safe and warm.

The extremely cold temperatures can be difficult for our pets as well. If possible, allow pets to come inside out of the brutally cold temperatures.  If this is not possible, please ensure your pets have adequate shelter out of the elements and have plenty of food and water.    

Feel free to contact the Eden Police Department at 336-623-9755 extension #7, with the name and address of any citizen or elderly citizen you believe we should check on to ensure their well-being and safety.

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